Helping New Jersey’s Educational Community alleviate financial risk through specially designed voluntary and board paid Insurance
Our Services
NJEA Income Protection
NJEA designed these plans especially for their members. These plans help protect your income should you become disabled due to an accident or sickness. There is also a NEW CRITICAL ILLNESS PLAN that offers benefits for you, your spouse, and your children.
Learn more about Disability
Learn more about Critical Illness
NEA Life Insurance
NEA offers members this exclusive Group Term Life Insurance plan. These benefits will pay in addition to your district’s coverage, while providing lower cost coverage for members, their spouses and children.
NJ School Administrators Disability Insurance
Specially designed for New Jersey School Administrators, these plans help protect your income should you become disabled due to an accident or sickness. There are three different plans to choose from, to help meet your varied needs.
Who we are
Educators Insurance Services (EIS) was incorporated in 1998 by Chuck Ray, who has worked with NJEA’s staff and members, along with New Jersey School Administrators, since 1977. This independent organization was formed to provide sales and customer service to its present and future customers in the educational community. As a result, the EIS team puts members’ needs first.Learn more
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Account Executives
Emeritus Account Executives
This policy provides disability income insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York Department of Financial Services.
Group Insurance coverages are issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. California COA #1179, NAIC #68241 Contract Series: 83500.
Group Critical Illness Insurance coverage is a limited benefit policy issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. Prudential's Critical Illness Insurance is not a substitute for medical coverage that provides benefits for medical treatment, including hospital, surgical and medical expenses and does not provide reimbursement for such expenses. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions which may apply. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the Booklet-Certificate/Group Contract issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, the Group Contract will govern. A more detailed description of the benefits, limitations, and exclusions applicable are contained in the Outline of Coverage provided at time of enrollment. Please contact Prudential for more information. Contract provisions may vary by state. Contract Series: 114774.
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